Turf Power

Turf Power is a fertility product that can be applied to all ornamental plants, trees, turf, lawns, landscape shrubs, and flowers. When used as directed, Turf Power is safe to any plant and can be applied at any time of the year as part of a complete turfgrass and ornamental plant fertility program. Turf Power is easy to apply through standard spray application equipment to all turfgrass areas.

Product Details

  • Stimulates growth of new plants
  • Increases stress resistance
  • Improves plant consistency and vigourness

Application Rates

Golf, Sports & Lawn Turf
Apply 25L/Ha at 4 week intervals during the growing season. For thatch reduction, apply 50 L/Ha at 4 week intervals. For Horticultural and general applications, mix Turf Power at an 8% dilution on a weekly basis. For improved germination, apply 50L/ Ha direct after seeding or at transplant.

Turf Power PDFs

Download the following PDFs to learn about Turf Power:
Product LiteratureProduct LabelSafety Sheet

Specialty Fertilizers

In addition to Turf Power, Aqua Aid Europe also offers three calcium products. Verde-Cal is a limestone product based on calciumcarbonate. Verde-Cal F is a calciumsulfate better known as gypsum. VerdeCal F is an enhanced foliar calcium and is a water soluble enhanced calcium product that can be applied as a foliar product. It promotes a healthy plant and improves chlorophyll production.


How does it work?

The soil colloid has degrees of affinity for various basic cations. This bonding increases with larger atomic weight, ion size and amount of charge. The percentage saturation for each of the cations will usually be within the following ranges for optimum performance.

The process of cationic exchange begins when water and basic cations (Ca, Mg, K, Na) meet the soil colloid. Based on the soil colloid’s degree of cation affinity, Calcium (Ca) will attach to the soil colloid releasing the smaller cations. The released cations (Mg++, Na+, K+, H+) are solubilized in the soil solution and made available to the plant or removed from the soil profile. As hydrogen is released from the soil colloid into the soil solution, acidity is reduced and pH is raised.

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